(Lietuviškai) Išsirink geriausią vietą renginiui
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Eurodesk Lithuania is testing Real iDeal
Do you want to have villa outside the city, new car and also full wallet? And how to achieve this? Perhaps it’s time to start planning your finances? Representatives of Eurodesk Lithuania are exploring the theme of financial literacy during this weekend.
Erasmus+ learning online
Two members of our team contributed to development and will facilitate this massive open online course about Erasmus+ funding opportunities for youth. Enroll here. #MOOCyouth #Erasmusplus
“Yellow Brick Road” visits VJIC’e
How does youth information center deal with youth career counseling? Participants of the training course ‘Yellow Brick Road’ visits Vilnius youth information centre.
‘Discover Europe’ tour in Lithuania
‘Discover Europe’ tour of seminars begins in Lithuania: 3 February – Visaginas, 10 February – Palanga, 17 February – Kaunas, 24 February – N. Akmene, 3 March – Kursenai, 10 March – Alytus, 17 March – Taurage
Kvietimas į mokymus // Training call
Training call
We announce new call for training course ‘UNIQUE Year of Learning’. This course is targeted at people who want to know new international opportunities and learn how to use them by finding partners. Application deadline – 20 November.
‘Discover Europe’ teacher training
Impressions from teacher trainings organised by the Representation of European Commission in Lithuania, where participants learn how to use the educational resources ‘Discover Europe’ which were developed by Nectarus.
Trainings for Youth Europe team
During the Youth Europe team trainings young people was learning how to run workshops on the topics related to European Union. They used the educational resources ‘Discover Europe’ developed by Nectarus team. Representation of European Commission in Lithuania organised these trainings.