
  • Effective Digital Habits

    Growing curious, digitally agile youth workers with a portfolio of digital competences to realise digital youth work. Creating digitally proactive partner organisations through capacity building, giving young people the chance to be safe, resilient and able to learn in today’s world. ‘Effective Digital Habits (EDH) for Youth Work’ was a long term project realised through […]

  • Maker culture in Budapest

    “No matter what profession you will pursue in future, it is always good to know how technology works” Since it is always good to also include local practices in seminars we had booked a visit to the local makerspace. We were warmly received by the Makerspace staff, and the founder, Péter Fuchs. Peter explained the […]

  • Social media for good and for better

    Being hosted in the European Youth Centre Budapest, the seminar created unique opportunities to learn more about the youth activities supported by the Council of Europe. This European institution promotes international youth work activities in three directions: human rights education, democratic participation and the rule of law. Laszlo Foldi shared the experience of implementing the […]

  • Digital youth work developments are taking steps forward

    The 2nd edition of the seminar ‘Developing digital youth work’ marked a new milestone in this area of youth work. Few months before, in February, the European expert group on digitalisation of youth work released their recommendations on developing digital youth work in Europe. Their recommendations provide excellent foundations for further reflection, exchange and developments […]

  • How to facilitate learning during youth exchanges

    Designing and leading workshops During the training course “Tools for Youth Exchanges” participants were asked to design and implement a workshop. They received a fictional scenario of a youth exchange and their task was to design a 60 minute workshop to address one of the topics relevant to scenario using participatory working methods. The workshop […]

  • How to choose effective tools for youth exchanges

    “A youth exchange is more than a holiday!?” This was the opening statement for the international training course “Tools for Youth Exchanges” in Finland. A rather provocative statement for the youth exchange organisers attending this training course, but very fitting to the idea behind this training. Many young people who take part in the youth […]

  • Recommendations for developing digital youth work

    “Screenagers” research project, which we used extensively as a reference in our seminar, has in their research report identified some guidelines for youth work organisations on how to develop digital youth work: Strategic financial investment in infrastructure, hardware, professional development, and practice development. Meeting the identified training needs of youth workers at all levels, from […]

  • Different realities, different approaches to digital youth work

    The programme of the seminar “Developing Digital Youth Work” was structured in a way to try to illustrate the point that digital youth work has many different available approaches. Like previously stated, digital youth work methods have been developed very differently in different countries. This goes to show how youth work, whether online or offline, […]

  • Youth social media realities

    One of the most important principles of youth work is to be where the young people are. When Facebook was growing in popularity among young people, youth workers were still stuck on discussing pros and cons of interacting and engaging with young people on Facebook. Now, when finally youth workers are there, online and ready […]

  • Online youth participation

    The rapid advance of Internet technologies and online environments gave promise to lower the barrier for young people to engage in civic affairs. Survey data concluded in the EU Youth report 2015 shows that virtual spaces frequented by young people can be compared to the physical ones and thus be “a great resource for political […]

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