Digital Generation Youth at Cities of Learning
Digital transformation has already disrupted social and economic life on both sides of the Mediterranean.
How to facilitate learning during youth exchanges
Designing and leading workshops During the training course “Tools for Youth Exchanges” participants were asked to design and implement a workshop. They received a fictional scenario of a youth exchange and their task was to design a 60 minute workshop to address one of the topics relevant to scenario using participatory working methods. The workshop […]
Youth social media realities
One of the most important principles of youth work is to be where the young people are. When Facebook was growing in popularity among young people, youth workers were still stuck on discussing pros and cons of interacting and engaging with young people on Facebook. Now, when finally youth workers are there, online and ready […]
Online youth participation
The rapid advance of Internet technologies and online environments gave promise to lower the barrier for young people to engage in civic affairs. Survey data concluded in the EU Youth report 2015 shows that virtual spaces frequented by young people can be compared to the physical ones and thus be “a great resource for political […]
Virtual reality is entering non-formal education
By Giedrė Simanauskaitė Giedrė Simanauskaitė is a member of the Lithuanian Association of Non-Formal Education and communication expert. With a cardboard box on their eyes people stood one by one and shook their heads. “This is strange,” I thought to myself. “What are they looking at?” Later, when talking to participants of the “Off Roads” […]
(Lietuviškai) Mokymo kursai Expedition – Designing Adventure in Urban Environments
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Staff training
We offer trainings for staff and volunteers. We follow non-formal learning values and principles.
Registracija į seminarą Ideaboosters
(Lietuviškai) Ideaboosters seminaras
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‘Discover Europe’ tour in Lithuania
‘Discover Europe’ tour of seminars begins in Lithuania: 3 February – Visaginas, 10 February – Palanga, 17 February – Kaunas, 24 February – N. Akmene, 3 March – Kursenai, 10 March – Alytus, 17 March – Taurage
Kvietimas į mokymus // Training call
Training call
We announce new call for training course ‘UNIQUE Year of Learning’. This course is targeted at people who want to know new international opportunities and learn how to use them by finding partners. Application deadline – 20 November.