Digital Generation Youth at Cities of Learning

Digital transformation has already disrupted social and economic life on both sides of the Mediterranean. The rise of digital technologies creates new jobs, promotes economic mobility and improves access to public services. Digital single markets are seen as the way forward both in Africa and in Europe. Nonetheless, a lot is still to be done in making digital skills more accessible and recognisable, especially for the young and underprivileged.

Digital Generation Youth project connects South Africa, Nigeria, the Netherlands and Lithuania for sharing our best practices in digital literacy education and provides solutions for recognition of non-formal skills.

In 2020-2021, project partners will research, design and pilot new methodologies for digital skills development and rethink how digital transformation could drive up-skilling of young people with fewer opportunities.

Project veiklos. Partners will get a better understanding of local contexts during 4 dedicated study visits and meetings with stakeholders from the public and private sectors. Based on these encounters, research on learning patterns of young people and methodologies developed, 2 job shadowing missions will take the project back to Nigeria and South Africa, making sure changes are implemented in a sustainable manner, taking the local needs and ideas into account.

Read impressions from our 1st study visit in January 2020, in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Discover activities of visit available on the platform of the Eastern-Cape Region of Learning.

Photos from the study visit in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Partner consortium. Digital Generation Youth is implemented by Breakthrough Foundation (NL) aimed at supporting young people and youth workers to be internationally pro-active, Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre W.TEC (NG), Ready4Life promoting digital, life skills and 21st century workplace readiness in Nelson Mandela Bay Area (SA), Africa research and consultancy centre AfriKo (LT), and Nectarus striving to add digital dimension to youth work and non-formal education in Lithuania and globally (LT).

This project is a collaboration by partners from Vilnius City of Learning, Eastern Cape Region of Learning and Tilburg City of Learning. We aim at exploring how we develop digital literacies and digital skills of young people in our cities and regions. We hope that soon we can bring Cities of Learning to Lagos.

The project is funded by the European Union through the ERASMUS+ programme.