How to facilitate learning during youth exchanges
Designing and leading workshops During the training course “Tools for Youth Exchanges” participants were asked to design and implement a workshop. They received a fictional scenario of a youth exchange and their task was to design a 60 minute workshop to address one of the topics relevant to scenario using participatory working methods. The workshop […]
Defining the concept of “Digital youth work”
Although we naturally sent out lots of material to our participants from 16 countries beforehand, we also had some unexpected help to “set the stage” for our seminar. The in-flight magazine on the flight from Helsinki to Oulu featured an article eight pages long about the changing curriculum and teaching approaches in schools across Finland. […]
Playing catch-up with the digital (r)evolution
In Europe digital youth work methods have seen a significant growth in interest over the last few years. This is a direct result of the increasing prevalence of technology and increased pervasiveness of digital tools and networks in young people’s lives. The use of digital tools is now more commonly than ever accepted as a […]
Learn with and about digital technologies
“Nectarus” team collected into one collection educational workshops to learn with and about digital technologies. You can download this manual and organise worksops to learn interesting technologies and better understand their impact on our learning. Download workshop manual in English. Write to us info@nectarus.lt should you wish to organise similar workshops at your place.
Youth inn Seminar
During this international seminar we exchanged with partners good practices of how to maintain venues, which host youth educational projects. Together with partners discussed criteria for good venues: positive attitude towards young people, intercultural sensitivity, good impact on local community, eco-friendly solutions and social entrepreneurship. Project duration – 09/2012-02/2013. Number of participants – 28 youth […]
Staff training
We offer trainings for staff and volunteers. We follow non-formal learning values and principles.
“Yellow Brick Road” visits VJIC’e
How does youth information center deal with youth career counseling? Participants of the training course ‘Yellow Brick Road’ visits Vilnius youth information centre.
Kvietimas į mokymus // Training call
Training call
We announce new call for training course ‘UNIQUE Year of Learning’. This course is targeted at people who want to know new international opportunities and learn how to use them by finding partners. Application deadline – 20 November.
‘Discover Europe’ teacher training
Impressions from teacher trainings organised by the Representation of European Commission in Lithuania, where participants learn how to use the educational resources ‘Discover Europe’ which were developed by Nectarus.