Real iDeal
You are young and full of ideals. You want to succeed in your life and reach your goals. Just like in real life, it is hard to
(Lietuviškai) Real iDeal stovykloje “Ekonomika aktyviai”
Sorry, this entry is only available in Lietuviškai.
Eurodesk Lithuania is testing Real iDeal
Do you want to have villa outside the city, new car and also full wallet? And how to achieve this? Perhaps it’s time to start planning your finances? Representatives of Eurodesk Lithuania are exploring the theme of financial literacy during this weekend.
Real iDeal for social entrepreneurship
We tested Real iDeal game with 28 adults working in the cultural field and learning about social entrepreneurship during the international training.
Eurodesk Lietuva
Eurodesk and financial literacy
We met with Eurodesk Lithuania to discuss our cooperation in the area of youth financial literacy
Educational Games
Nectarus team develops and uses educational boardgames for learning.
Real iDeal game is on the way
Game on financial literacy ‘Real iDeal’ is on the way to Lithuania. Boarderline Boardgames Erasmus+: Youth in Action project: https://borderlineboardgames.wordpress.com/
We’ll create educational games!
We stated Erasmus+ Youth in Action strategic partnership project ‘Borderline Boardgames’ with the partners meeting. Together with partners from 10 European countries we will design and produce two educational games: one on financial literacy education and the other on the origins of the conflicts.
‘Discover Europe’ tour in Lithuania
‘Discover Europe’ tour of seminars begins in Lithuania: 3 February – Visaginas, 10 February – Palanga, 17 February – Kaunas, 24 February – N. Akmene, 3 March – Kursenai, 10 March – Alytus, 17 March – Taurage