Virtual reality is entering non-formal education
By Giedrė Simanauskaitė Giedrė Simanauskaitė is a member of the Lithuanian Association of Non-Formal Education and communication expert. With a cardboard box on their eyes people stood one by one and shook their heads. “This is strange,” I thought to myself. “What are they looking at?” Later, when talking to participants of the “Off Roads” […]
Learn with and about digital technologies
“Nectarus” team collected into one collection educational workshops to learn with and about digital technologies. You can download this manual and organise worksops to learn interesting technologies and better understand their impact on our learning. Download workshop manual in English. Write to us info@nectarus.lt should you wish to organise similar workshops at your place.
(Lietuviškai) Mokymo kursai Expedition – Designing Adventure in Urban Environments
Sorry, this entry is only available in Lietuviškai.
(Lietuviškai) Mokymo kursai “Off_roads”. Skaitmeninės technologijos apjungiančiam mokymuisi
Sorry, this entry is only available in Lietuviškai.
Expeditions – Learning on the Move
How do you motivate young people for physical activities in rural areas, seemingly boring environment? They just sit and play video games, you say? In fact, Eurobarometer states, that youngsters in EU lack physical activity. At the same time the tendency is obvious that young people use increasingly more new technologies and 80% of young […]
Expeditions begins!
Ar you a youth work who works in the rural places? Young people complain there is nothing to do there? Do you want to use digital technologies to develop their skills to design and experience adventures in the middle of nowhere? Join “Expeditions“! #expeditionLT Expeditions is a methodology that can be used by youth workers […]
Erasmus+ learning online
Two members of our team contributed to development and will facilitate this massive open online course about Erasmus+ funding opportunities for youth. Enroll here. #MOOCyouth #Erasmusplus
Real iDeal for social entrepreneurship
We tested Real iDeal game with 28 adults working in the cultural field and learning about social entrepreneurship during the international training.
Discovering Value Education
This training course was focusing on providing youth