Gender stereotypes – field task in Vievis
Youth exchange group is interviewing local people in Vievis on gender stereotypes! #genderstereotypes
Begining of “Stereotypes among men and women”!?
We coach youth group “New generation” which today starts their international youth exchange about gender based stereotypes in Europe. Wish them all the best to break the stereotypes!
‘Stars up, Stars down’ Harlemshake
Youthexchanges are always special. “Stars up, Stars down” participants revealed their creativity by making harlemshake video.
Beauty Within video
Lots of beauty, smiles and special experiences – impressions from the ending youth exchange Beauty Within! Shall we repeat?
Beauty Within
Youth exchange Beauty Within has started. Exploring perceptions of beauty across cultures – any similarities or differences?
Youth inn photos
The seminar Youth inn is over. You(th) better learn here! All days were valuable in their experience and opportunities to discuss the quality of youth work.